Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lego Star Wars and the Krumrey kids?

So Cooper and Kayla were playing Legos and I asked if they wanted to make a video of them playing. I'm the camera man so you won't see me. Here it is so enjoy!

Christmas time is here

On Christmas I got my i-pod!!!!!!!! I love it. Cooper got a few Lego ships. Kayla got a huge play house thing for her pet shops which are little bobble heads animals that she is always playing with. Mom got a camera and a lot of gift card money! Dad also got a camera and clothes that he took back and got credit for them. I got Lot's of books and clothes which is fine with me. I'm always reading. Usually about World War 2 ( I'm our family's history and book geek.). The day after Christmas we always go to a mall in Connecticut which is the "nice mall" but really it's just because all of the stores we get clothes from are there. After that we went to On The Border the Mexican restaurant we always goto if we go to a Mexican place. This year was the best Christmas ever (every year I say that).

happy new year!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Days Till Christmas

2 more days till Christmas! I can't wait till the big day when everybody opens there presents!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Bright Nights

Last night our family went to the Springfield Bright Nights. It's in a forest park where they have a big network of roads where they out lights over and on the sides. But they're aren't ordinary lights there's different scenes of lights like Dr. Seuss which has the Grinch and whoville where these little people Dr. Seuss made up. There's dinosaurs and a place where you can meet Santa. There's lights of games and toys. There's even a cannon with a tin soldier that shoots over the road. One part is all of these reindeer jumping over the road. It's really cool when a reindeer goes over the roof and you can't see it and then it comes down on the other side. At the end there is a huge Advent wreath with poinsettias all around it and the town hall with Santa and his reindeer jumping over the roof. After that we went to On The Border which is the best Tex-Mex food in MA! We love the food and indulge until we can't eat another bite. Then we have to drive all the way back to Amherst and home where we go to sleep and dream about lights and Mexican food!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My siblings

I haven't told you much about my family but here are some pictures of my brother and sister. I blog about my parents later.

here's my brother. He's 10. It seems he's always eating something sugary or something like that. He loves to play the guitar and the djembe. He is never without his blue fire cap and if he isn't he's lost it. He is our family comedian and stuntman. He's always playing with his sister. He has a series of books called the Lost Knight and he loves to read them to us. He loves football and wen my season of football was over he was very sad he couldn't go to anymore games. In his words he loves intense tackling so he loves to watch us play and get our bells rung while he sits on the sideline! We always play football on at our history class and he loves it as much as I do (which is a lot!). And 1 more thing he always carries around a pistol!

This is my sister Kayla. She is 7 and a outgoing sister. She loves ballet (yet she says she doesn't!). She is always playing in her room by her self if not playing with cooper. She loves playing doll house and playing with her baby dolls. We built her a garden house in the backyard and she loves to play in it all day if we would let her. She uses it as a fort to protect her from enemy robbers (our cooper) she plays with her girl-friends there and she traps our dog in it! When she plays with me and cooper she can out tough any of our friends and she loves to play with us (much to our disappointment). When she's not playing dolls she is shooting us or tackling us. She is a really great sister.

They're really great siblings and great pals!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My room

This is my room. I just "cleaned it," so it should look pretty good but it gets really messy now and then. Here's some pictures from it .

this is looking straight into our room. Dead ahead is our big bookshelf. And let me tell you it has at least a million books on it and it's bowing to! to the right is the bunk bed where I'm on the bottom and my brother is on top (We just changed places recently).

here's our bunk bed again but this time at a different angle. That big chest of drawers is mine and my brother has his own on the other side of the room. Me and my brother still sleep with stuffed animals for some reason or other.

It's a Winter Wonderland.

2 days after the big storm all of the snow froze because it was 2 degrees F! This morning on the paper route we nearly froze and it took us a lot longer than usual. My brother and I dug these deep trenches in the snow on Sunday (we didn't go to church!) and they froze! So when we had friends over we played WW2 in it and then we dug more which was pretty hard but we had a blast. here's a pic from our yard. Our camera just started working!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

12 interesting facts or Things like About Christmas and winter

The things I like or some interesting about my Christmas have a wide variety but I'm only doing this because I was forced by my mom and aunt.
  1. Opening presents on the big day (what can I say!)

2. hearing the Christmas story.

3.Playing with presents(obviously)

4.Being with my family all day long

5.I never believed in Santa Claus and neither did my brother but my sister did for a little while and still pretends she does but she knows mom and dad give us presents.

6.hiding the presents that I have bought for my siblings and parents.

7.I love buying presents for my family.

8.Getting our Christmas tree . I love getting it every year

9.Sledding in our backyard on our little hill.

10.Lighting fires in the fireplace.

11. My favorite song is "Angels we have heard on high," By Mercyme

12.For Christmas this year I want an iPod nano

13.I really like the Christmas eve service that our church has every year (My favorite part , the candles!)

So now that you know stuff I like about Christmas you tell me what you like about Christmas!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another Tea Party!!!!!!!

Today my sis is having her annual tea party for all of her girl friends. Her friends come from everywhere! Even places like springffield, Hadley and other places we won't go into to! So the boys are going to Cabelas. It's this awesome outdoors store. My favorite part (duh) the guns! I've loved guns for ever and still do. But because we live in the city limits we can't have any other guns beside BB guns. A friend of ours who works at our bank has a shooting range that he goes to and the plan is to get him to take us sometime. He hasn't yet but he will maybe. Wish us luck to get away from the invasion of girls and get to the guns!


I put more pictures on my blog so you can look at them now. But our camera isn't working and I can't put anymore on so enjoy!

Friday, December 14, 2007

A snow day for the Krumreys

Today My mom and I did our paper route together and she took lot's of pictures of me and the snow. I usually do the route with my brother but he wasn't feeling well. there's about a foot of snow on the ground and we had a rough time doing the route but we made it and we're a little tired after! Then after breakfast my brother, sister and I went out and played in the snow. We made tunnels and fought over our old christmas tree. The snow wasn't that sticky so we couldn't make any snowmen our walls and other stuff like that. My dad and I had to shovel the driveway and the walk way to our door. The day isn't over and I can't wait for what the rest of the day holds for us!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Let It Snow (But not to much!)

Today we are (our were) Going to have a history party with all our friends but it's going to snow like crazy here in the next 3-4 hours. And some of our friends live a little ways away from the church that we're having it at (It's actually my church and we live a mile away from it). So things look grim but let's hope there are some real New Englanders out there!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Our New Christmas Tree

So the new tree is possessed our something because it has been giving us nothing but trouble for the time we've had it (Which is like 2 hours). It fell over and half the ornaments fell off! But we managed and it's still standing. So our first tree died and our second one is falling over!

Our dead Christmas Tree

Do you remember our Christmas tree? Well it totally died I mean the little needles were falling off whenever you walked by it. So we had to get another one well we haven't got it yet but dad is coming home with it. We had to take all of the ornaments off and the lights (which seem to work better when untouched). My siblings were so sad and they were both crying, going out to talk to it and naming it Bob! So thats the story of our dead Christmas Tree!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Baptismal Sunday

Sunday was the 2Nd day of advent and our church's baptism day. The baptisms were very special this year because a married couple and a elderly lady from our church got baptised. Our family is trying to do something special for every advent Sunday so this Sunday we went out to chili's and had our usual meals (Hamburgers, salads, chicken fries) and as always it was great. Then we went home and watched Extreme Home Makeover. It was a great Sunday and I had a ton of fun with my family.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Days Till Christmas

17 days till Christmas!

Tea Party And movie Saturday

Today my mom is having a tea party so my dad, my brother, sister , and i are going out to see a movie. It's called Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. Have you ever seen it? I can't wait to see it. We almost never watch movies. We have a movie theater about a mile from our house an Rt. 9. If you've ever seen the movie tell me how you liked it. I would love to here from you!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sledding in the yard

We had about 2-3 inches of snow a couple days ago and then it froze so we (kids) have been sledding in our backyard.We have about a 1 acre yard with a little hill sloping down from our house.We have 2 plastic snowboards and a roll up sled so we don't have the best sleds but we make the most of it.The snowboard doesn't have foot holders but my brother can really carve up the snow with it.He can turn and stop without even stepping off it.Me I can't even stand on it much less snowboard! My brother has gone as far as the back of our yard once our twice.I lay on the board and go down on it like that.Sorry courtney but I doubt they have snow in Mexico!!!!!!!(courtney is my dad's cousin)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Great Emergency (not)

So last night my sister (Kayla) brother (Cooper) were watching a movie while mom and dad were out at dinner the smoke alarm started going off.We thought it was the carbon monoxide alarm so we ran as fast as we could out the door and into the driveway.After a brief council we decided to go over to our neighbor's house and knocked on her door.She was shocked and let us in.Then she called 911 and the firetruck came to check it out.They didn't find anything of harm and told us we could go back to our house.After the firemen left we went back to our house and called our mom and dad.Dad was so amazed, they were home in a very short time.A friend of ours drove by and called my dad and asked why their was a firetruck in front of our house while they were at the dinner.My dad called him back and said "get buckets and get over here now!" But the fireman did say our fireplace was unsafe and it was made for a wood stove and was a bad fireplace.That was probably the cause of the alarm going off.So we won't be lighting many fires any more.You see why I called it The Great Emergency (Not)!!

Days Till Christmas

21 days till Christmas.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The First day of Advent

This Sunday was the first day of Advent, so my family invited the Baglows over to eat cake and watch the kids favorite shows on TV ( Extreme Home Makeover and America's Funniest Videos) .My dad gave a little talk on the first day of advent and the meaning of it.We had a really fun night with friends to kick off the Christmas/Advent season.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Making pajama pants

I had to sew some pajama pants the other day.First me and my mom had to go get the fabric then we had cut out the pattern. The next day we started sewing. It was really hard to keep everything straight and neat.but in the end they turned out awesome.They were flannel so they are really warm.It's nice to have some new pants and a new skill.

Running The Hot Chocolate run

Today me and my mom ran the hot chocolate run.It was easier than I thought it was going to be but it was 20 degrees Fahrenheit! The race goes in a big 3.2 mile loop.Our time was 32:50 which was pretty good compared to some others. But some people jogged for only 9 minutes! After the race we had snacks and hot chocolate,but the hot chocolate was awful! It tasted like it was burnt even with marshmallows it tasted terrible. So I'm done with that until spring.