Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday

Sorry I haven't blogged in forever. This weekend was Easter ( as you should know ) and I've been thinking of Jesus' humility to come down and die for us. I've been struggling with this for a while. On Good Friday we went to our annual service at 7 o'clock and a staff/assistant pastor had an awesome service. Before I go any further I should explain that he painted 8 pictures for Jesus' last days. They're very modern and abstract ( I couldn't understand any of them ). That night there were lots of candles and people blew them out during the service until it was completely dark except for one small candle on the stage. Then Jesus breathed his last and the candle was blown out and it was completely dark. Darkness had taken the king of the world until Sunday. Everyone prayed and then left. Then Easter Sunday! We all rushed down stairs to see our Easter baskets from Santa clause .......... oh that's a different holiday. We then went to church and learned about death ( and resurrection ). At home we colored eggs and then we hid them and found them at least 4 times. Then 4 people we know from church came and we ate an awesome Easter dinner and watched AFV and Extreme Home Makeover. It was a great Easter and a beautiful day for Christ to come back.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I'm definitely not the most fond of piano unless I know the song by heart. But I have the best teacher in the world and she has been my teacher for 6 years! She is awesome she has the most patience in the world. I usually don't finish a song even a easy one for about 2-3 weeks ( I'm the biggest procrastinator in the world ). Procrastinate - to put off action. She never has gotten mad in the six years I've been practicing. Cooper and Kayla play the piano to and after class we go and get a special treat with mom across the street at a little store The Cushmans Market and get dark chocolate, root beer , chai tea ,and an ice cream bar. So I shall keep trying and playing so wish me luck.

Spring! Well Almost

Well I don't know what some of you might say but to me it felt like it ( it was 46 degrees ). I wore short sleeves and some others wore shorts and tee shirts with no coat ( these were the crazy college students that will find a way to wear shorts in March. Some of these people I know). Well at least almost all the snow melted. So when you're enjoying 60's - 70' think of me.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Fact Friday

Fact #2 is Archaeologists found the old Jerusalem and artifacts. One of the things they found David's seal. they have been taking tours down to underground tunnels around the city. I got this info from my weekly God's World News.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Christian Concert in Amherst?

This past Friday my family went to a Casting Crowns concert with some friends of ours from Westfield. This was my first concert ever and I loved every minute of it! It was so loud and my sister didn't like the sound much. We also went with another friend of ours named Jim Mozel. Here's some pictures from the concert.
The concert was at the Mullins Center. Which is a big building where the University of Massachusetts ( A.K.A Umass ) play basketball, and hockey.

This is our friend Jim. Cooper is in there to.

This is the Reif family. They have all girls except for Ben there little 3 or 5 year old. Kayla is in there making one of her weird faces.

The concert was awesome and I would like to go to many more.