Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Big Tree/ Fort/And a Broken Leg Waiting to Happen

So a couple weeks ago my Brother and I found A huge tree limb that had fallen on some other trees and got caught perfectly horizontal. So........... we made the coolest thing since sliced bread! It is so much fun to climb all over and play Lord Of The Rings and castles. But it is a accident waiting to happen. Here are some pictures of it.

This is the tree from the ground.
This is the tree's armory. We made lots of swords and spears from the surrounding woods.

This is me up in the armory and looking down on Cooper who is taking the picture.

This is Cooper on the ground by the little stream going through the way backyard.

The retirement home in this picture is behind our house and lots of people go in and out of it. I love spying on it from the tree. Isn't it awesome?! I think so. Just keep praying that we don't kill ourselves playing on it.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That is a really cool tree! We're enjoying reading your blog -- I think my son has found a soul-mate! :^)

Keep on blogging!!!